Finding a good fishmonger is key to making informed decisions about what seafood is seasonal and sustainably sourced. Asking questions such as those below allows you to make the best choice. What species is it? Many fish and shellfish have specific seasons, not only do they taste better when in season, but catching a fish when out of season (e.g. when breeding) may affect its sustainability. Choose smaller, fast-growing fish. Larger fish take longer to mature, plucking fish from the ocean before maturing reduces future generations. When selecting fish, look for whole fish with shiny covering with eyes that are bulbous and clear. Fish with a fishy smell may not be fresh, fresh fish have an ocean smell. The gills should be red in colour, dry and clean of debris. Live clams, oysters, mussels and scallops should have tightly closed intact shells and a mild odour. Where is it from? Australian and NZ fisheries are closely regulated, however, that does not guarantee that the catch is sustainable, although it is more likely than those caught overseas in less regulated markets. Was the seafood caught locally? How far did it travel? The further a food travels to your kitchen, the less sustainable it would be. Many seafood farms are creating a sustainable product, but many aren’t. If your seafood is from a farm, ask your fishmonger about their farming practices. What food is fed to the seafood? What is the farm’s impact to the surrounding waters? Oyster and mussel farms are particularly beneficial to the waters they are grown in. They are creatures that filter the water around them and have a positive impact on their environment. How was it caught? Thankfully super trawlers have been banned in most areas, however some trawlers do exist, where unwanted species are often returned to the ocean after dying in the nets. Ask your fishmonger about how the fish was caught and whether any by product was created. Small fish are often net-caught in shoal/schools with little or no wastage. Hints and tips to get the most out of your seafood Try to use all the fish, from the cheeks to the bones. Visit our website for recipe inspiration. Here are some ideas of what to do with your seafood Bones Make stocks and soups, such as Shannon Bennett’s bouillabaisse recipe located on our website Heads Wonderful in stocks, cheeks make delicious eating Offal (except gall bladder) Some people make fish sauce from offal Skin Make crackers from the skin, see Michael Meredith’s recipe located on our website Small fish Try curing your own and using as anchovies in many of our recipes. Sardines are amazing fried and placed on toast, we have a recipe located on our website. Visit or Seafood Cooking Method Varieties White and flaky fish Bake, pan-fry, steam Snapper, flounder, flathead, tilapia, skate, turbot, sea bass, sole, mullet, cod White and firm fish Bake, pan-fry, deep-fry, grill, steam Bass, grouper, monkfish, catfish, mahi, mahi, swordfish, cod Oily fish Bake, grill, steam, chargrill, often smoked, salted or pickled and can be served raw or cured Salmon, arctic char, swordfish, mackerel, tuna Freshwater fish Bake, pan-fry, steam Trout, perch, carp, chard Crustaceans Grill, chargrill, steam Crabs, crayfish, lobster and prawns or shrimp, Moreton Bay or Balmain bugs, marron Mollusks Steam, grill Abalone, clams, mussels, oysters, scallops. Cephalopods Grill, chargrill Snails, octopus and squid TRP MI 10723