28. METHOD To serve 1. Top each glass with the shortbread sherbet crumb and fresh blueberries. Sustainability tips to make your ingredients go further • Reserve ½ cup of the jasmine syrup before adding the gelatine for the 'Remains of the day' cocktail recipe. HINTS AND TIPS • Gluten free biscuits can be used instead of shortbread. • An easy way to crumble the shortbread into crumbs is by placing the shortbread into a zip lock bag and rolling with a rolling pin. • There are different strengths of gelatine: titanium, bronze and gold. Each has a different setting strength; we found gold works best in this recipe. It is available from gourmet cooking stores and specialty supermarkets. BLUEBERRY MOUSSE WI TH JASMI NE JELLY AND SHORTBREAD SHERBET CRUMB RECOMMENDED RECIPES If you like this recipe scan the code to discover how to make your own shortbread.