178 cm niche FNS 37402 i K 37422 iD, K 37472 iD FNS 37402 i KFNS 37432 iD, KFNS 37452 iDE, KFNS 37682 iD, KFNS 37692 iDE KFNS 37432 iD K 37422 iD, K 37472 iD KFNS 37432 iD KFN 37282 iD, KFN 37432 iD, KFNS 37432 iD, KFNS 37452 iDE, KFNS 37682 iD, KFNS 37692 iDE Appliance on the left Appliance on the right FN 12827 S K 12820 SD FN 12827 S edt/cs K 12820 SD edt/cs FN 14827 S ed/cs K 14820 SD ed/cs, K 14827 SD ed/cs 16 Would you like to install your appliances side-by-side? The flexibility of Miele refrigeration and wine conditioning appliances Miele refrigeration appliances are not just excellent in terms of their scope, quality and premium design, they are also known for being extremely versatile. For instance you can combine two refrigerators next to each other, or have a classical combination of side-by-side refrigerator and freezer. The following built-in appliances are designed for installing in a 60 cm wide unit and installed next to one another. They do not have to be installed in any particular order so you can decide how you want to arrange them. The KWT 6321 UG under-counter wine unit is 60 cm wide and can be set up next to each another. They do not have to be installed in any particular order so you can decide how you want to arrange them. The following freestanding appliances are 60 cm wide and can be set up next to one another.