7 About ingredients Features of individual oven models • If a comma (,) comes after an ingredient, the subsequent text will describe the food. In most cases the food comes with such a description when purchased: e.g. Eggs, Size M; Milk, 3.5% fat. • If a vertical line (|) is shown after a single ingredient, the description refers to how the food is handled or processed, which is generally carried out by the person doing the cooking. This processing step will then not be mentioned in the preparation text: E.g. Cheese, aromatic | grated; Onions | finely diced; Milk, 3.5% fat | lukewarm. • In the case of meat, if no other description is available, the weight of the meat is given. • For fruit and vegetables, the weight refers to a peeled, non-pitted condition. • Fruit and vegetables should always be cleaned/ washed or, if necessary, peeled. This processing step is not repeated in the preparation text. • If your oven does not have the Conventional Heat function, select the Fan Plus function. • If your oven does not have the “Prove yeast dough” special application, instead select the Fan Plus function and a temperature of 35 °C. Cover the dough, as described in the recipe, with a damp cloth. About the settings • Temperatures and durations: temperature and duration ranges are given. Generally select the lower setting and then visually check the food or use a food probe to determine if the duration needs to be extended. • Shelf levels: the shelf levels which trays and racks are placed on are numbered from bottom to top. • Cooking containers: depending on function, the cooking containers used must be microwave safe and heat resistant. Please follow the instructions given in the operating and installation instructions about suitable cooking containers.