204 Serves 6 | Preparation time: 35 minutes Ingredients Preparation For the custard royale: 6 medium eggs 300 ml milk, 3.5% fat ¼ tsp. salt For the dish: 1 tsp. butter Accessories: Microwave safe oven dish, 20 cm x 20 cm Heat-resistant cling film Rack Mix the eggs and milk together but do not beat until fluffy. Then add the salt. Grease the ovenproof dish. Fill with the egg mixture and cover with cling film. Place the ovenproof dish on the rack and place in the oven. Cook. Settings Automatic programme Soups & Casseroles | Egg royale Programme duration: approx. 19 minutes Manual Oven functions: MW + Fan Plus Temperature: 95 °C Power level: 150 W Booster: Off Crisp function: Off Pre-heat: Off Duration: 17–22 minutes Shelf level: 1 Custard royale