11 Food Quantity/Weight Power level [W] Duration [min] Notes Cooking bacon 100 g 850 2–3 Place on kitchen paper, do not cover Marinating meat 1000 g 150 15–20 Marinate in a covered container, turning halfway through, then cook Softening ice cream 500 g 150 2 Place open container in the appliance Soaking dried fruit 250 g 80 20 Add a little water, do not cover Making porridge 250 ml milk + 4 tbsp. porridge oats 850 + 150 2–3 + 2–3 Heat the milk in a cov- ered bowl, stir in the oats and continue cooking Skinning tomatoes 3 tomatoes 450 7–8 Cut a cross into the top of each tomato, cover, and heat in a little water. The skins will slip o‘ easily. Take care, as the tomatoes can get very hot. Bread rolls 2 rolls 850 1–2 Place on the rack. Do not cover, turn halfway through Defrosting 150 1–2 Baking Grill setting 3 3–4 Making custard royale 150 g from 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. cream, salt and grated nutmeg 450 3–4 Beat together the eggs, cream, salt and nutmeg. Cover and cook Making strawberry jam 300 g strawberries 300 g jam sugar 850 7–9 Mix the fruit and sugar, cover and cook The information given in this chart is intended only as a guide.