6 About this book Before you start, we have prepared some tips on how to use this cookbook. About ingredients • If a comma (,) comes after an ingredient, the subsequent text will describe the food. In most cases the food comes with such a description when purchased: e.g. Eggs, Size M; Milk, 3.5% fat. • If a vertical line (|) is shown after a single ingredient, the description refers to how the food is handled or processed, which is generally carried out by the person doing the cooking. This processing step will then not be mentioned in the preparation text: e.g. Cheese, aromatic | grated; Onions | finely diced; Milk, 3.5% fat | lukewarm. • In the case of meat, if no other description is available, the weight of the meat is given. • For fruit and vegetables, the weight refers to a peeled, non-pitted condition. • Fruit and vegetables should always be cleaned/washed or, if necessary, peeled. This processing step is not repeated in the preparation text. General information As well as a microwave mode, your new steam oven with microwave also allows you to cook and defrost a variety of foods using the steam function. In the recipes below, you will find that the power levels given for cooking food are 850 or 1000 W. These will be followed by times, which are given in minutes. These times are always only estimates. The food may take slightly longer or slightly less time to cook. The reduced power levels for continuing cooking are given as 850 W, 600 W, 450 W, 300 W, 150 W and 80 W. The durations given for defrosting, reheating and cooking are guidelines only. Depending on the initial temperature and the nature of the food, but also your own individual preferences of how meat, fish and vegetables should be cooked, these durations may vary. Always cover food with a microwave-safe cover, lid or special heat-resistant cling film to reheat and cook it. This prevents your food from drying out and keeps the appliance clean. The preparation times given include the time for preparing and cooking.